This is an Irish pewter cross that was made by the Drum Cliff Cross Co., which is in Silgo, Ireland. Pewter wares were mostly made in European countries, especially in the north countries. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the best pewter came from United Kingdom, and was exported in ingot form. Collectors coming across pewter items in that time-frame tend to buy them because they like them or, more likely to add to a pewter collection. The crowned rose mark has been used all over Europe and some collectors thinking this is a Tudor rose indicating an English piece. On the back of this cross is the “C” inside of a circle, which is the symbol for copyright, which the modern day concept of copyright originated in Great Britain, in the year 1710. Below the copyright symbol is the makers mark and the words Irish over the makers mark and the word Pewtermill.
Dimensions: Top:3” Bottom: 1.50”x 8.625”x 0.25 0.0125”thick
Weight: 0.99 lbs.